Toothaches are incredibly painful and uncomfortable and the best thing you can do is seek immediate medical attention to determine the problem and get a solution. But there are instances when you simply cannot make it to the dentist at the time, so pain management is the way to go.
But how do you handle toothaches when you can’t get emergency dental care OKC?
Managing Tooth Pain
The first thing you should try is taking some over-the-counter pain medication, like ibuprofen or aspirin. These also have anti-inflammatory properties and can relieve your pain significantly for the moment.
Even if the pain does not immediately come back after the drug’s effects have subsided, don’t think that you’re safe – seek emergency dental care OKC immediately, or you’re risking that pain coming back and doing more damage than good.
Stay Away from Cold
Second thing you can do to manage the pain is steer clear of cold and keep the part of your jaw where the tooth aches warm. Do this with a cloth and use earplugs or muffs to cover your ears. Also, make sure you don’t eat something sweet, too warm or too cold. These things can make the pain a whole lot worse and you’re likely to end up in the emergency room if you don’t take these precautions.
Warm (room temperature) salt water can also help a bit and so does crushed garlic with a bit of salt, placed near the tooth that’s aching. If there’s an open sore or a cavity there, make sure you don’t place anything on it, as it can worsen things.
Stop & Get Help
Again, as soon as you notice some tooth pain, however insignificant it may seem at first, even if it’s just a sensitivity to cold or hot food or beverages, make sure you get emergency dental care in OKC. Detecting the problem and getting it treated fast makes all the difference when it comes to dental hygiene.
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