Thursday, December 5, 2013

Pay Attention to Your Brushing Technique

How long should you brush?

The proper technique for brushing your teeth should take at least two minutes. I recommend using a stopwatch or just watching the clock to make sure. Under brushing is a very common problem that leads to many dental issues, even when people think that they are caring for their teeth properly.

What kind of brush should you use?

First, make sure that you select the right toothbrush for you. Soft bristled brushes with smaller heads reach back teeth more easily. Many dentists prefer the soft or medium bristles because they are easier on your gums. For those with limited manual dexterity, an electric toothbrush works great. However, whenever possible, use a manual tooth brush because it allows for much more variety in brush strokes.

You should replace your toothbrush as soon as you begin to see wear. Even if your toothbrush looks good, you should get a new one every three months. Also, you should throw away any toothbrushes that you use while you have a cold or flu. The bacteria and viruses from illnesses can re-infect you if you continue putting them in your mouth.

What is the right toothpaste?

Toothpaste choice is important as well. Many different toothpastes are designed for specific conditions such as gingivitis, gum disease, cavities, weakening enamel, and tartar buildup. Finding the right toothpaste can be difficult but not impossible. Toothpastes with baking soda are good for tooth whitening.

What is a good process for brushing?

Make sure to clean each section of your mouth thoroughly, about 30 seconds each.
Start with the outer surfaces of your upper teeth then move on to the lower. Next, brush the inner surfaces of the upper teeth. Now you should scrub the tops of your teeth where you do most of your chewing. Finally, Brush your tongue to clear away bacteria and have fresher breath. That's it. It's that easy.

If you’re still wondering about technique or specifics about what to use for your mouth particularly, then you need to consult a dentist. If you live in Oklahoma City, consider Dr. Tim Kirby at Classen Family Dentistry.
Dr. Tim Kirby is a trusted dentist with a family dentistry in Oklahoma City. Bring the entire family to one place and receive the dental care you need. Learn more online at

Monday, September 23, 2013

When To Take Your Child to the Dentist - Dentist Oklahoma City

There are many reasons to start dental visits early, but how early is the question? One important reason is to prevent future fears of the dentist's chair. Being afraid of going to the dentist is a fairly common occurrence among adults, sometimes bordering on an actual phobia. Fear can turn a routine visit into an absolute nightmare, making it very hard to maintain good dental health. If possible, a baby should accompany mom and dad to their dental check ups. Watching the parents allow the  dentist to look inside their mouths on a regular basis will help baby to think of it as a normal thing. He or she will be much more likely to feel comfortable opening his or her mouth for a check up after months of observing. 

Opinions vary about exactly when a child needs to see the dentist for the first time. Around one year is the earliest that is usually recommended, with three or four years old being the latest. It has a lot to do with the maturity of the child and his or her ability to cooperate.

Starting dental visits early is crucial to ensuring good dental health for your child. Twenty percent of children get at least one cavity by the time they are five years old. Cavities can cause early loss of baby teeth, which can result in spacing problems with other teeth, speech issues and trouble chewing food properly. Also, cavities hurt - something nobody wants for their child.

Some children have a situation where the enamel doesn't develop on their baby teeth as they form, causing almost immediate cavities to develop. In this case, obviously, they would need to see a dentist earlier than usual as fillings will be necessary.

Choosing the right dentist for your child is very important as his early experience will affect his reaction to dentists for the rest of his or her life. It's not necessary that they specialize in pediatric dentistry, just that they have an understanding of how children think and can relate to them in such a way that puts them at ease. The same criteria applies to the rest of the staff that he or she will come in contact with during visits. There should be a kid friendly atmosphere throughout the office, making the whole experience of being there a pleasant one.
At Classen Family Dentistry in Oklahoma City, Dr. Tim Kirby and his staff make the dentist office as comfortable as possible for children. Dr. Kirby is not a pediatric dentist, but welcomes them any day the office is open. Parents are encouraged to bring their little ones along for a visit. You can trust Dr. Kirby to be patient and caring with your children. 
For a superb dentist in Oklahoma City, go online to and learn more about Dr. Kirby and his practice. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

We Should All Floss More Often - Oklahoma City Dentist

Flossing is one of the best and the easiest things one can do for maintaining good oral health. According to some estimates, around 83 percent of people do not floss. All these are good reasons to heed to the warning by the dentists. 

It’s important to first understand what would happen if you don’t floss on a regular basis. The bacteria from the food may get trapped in-between your teeth. This may form plaque, which is a sticky substance made of mucus, food debris and bacteria. Plaque can be fairly easily removed, but over time, it can turn into tartar, which can only be removed by a dentist. If it is not removed, it may contribute to cavities and tooth decay. 

The worst consequence of not flossing your teeth is periodontal disease. If it’s left untreated, it may result in gingivitis, where your gums may become tender and may start bleeding with even mild brushing. Another consequence of periodontal disease is your increased susceptibility to heart disease. Many studies in the past have shown that risk of heart disease doubles in people with periodontal diseases. 

An non-flossed mouth is full of fecal matter, bacteria and rotten food. The consequences of bacteria is bad breath (halitosis). Aside from being a social faux pas, your foul smell breath can keep you from getting a good job or for making social connections. There are many positive sounding reasons for flossing as well. It also acts as a fountain of youth, as it helps in maintaining your mouth. It keeps your lower third of face vibrant and healthy. 

Choosing the right floss is key to a good oral hygiene. Floss is made using Teflon or nylon. Both of them are equally effective. All those who have large spaces between their teeth should opt for flat, wide dental floss. People with smaller spaces in-between their teeth can do well with a thinner floss. In any case, you must ensure that floss is strong.

Once you establish flossing as a habit, you should follow the correct technique. Use about 14-18 inches of floss and warp it around your teeth in the shape of C. Don’t worry about some blood. This is simply due to inflammation, but will be reversed about few days of regular flossing. Brushing and flossing should be part of your daily routine. Just like it’s important to do regular exercise and heat healthy food, it’s important to maintain good oral health. 
Dr. Tim Kirby encourages all of his patients to take care of their oral health by flossing. This is the key, along with brushing, to having a healthy smile. Don't forget to floss next time you go to bed - it might just save your health. 
Dr. Kirby is a trusted Oklahoma City dentist and practices at Classen Family Dentistry. Bring your whole family and let Dr. Kirby take care of your dental health:

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Avoid Cavities - See a Dentist in OKC

Getting cavities is something that everyone always tries to avoid. It is when part of the tooth starts to decay and it can spread throughout the entire tooth. In order to stop this, dentists fill the area that is decaying to stop it completely. However, if oral hygiene is not right, many of these cavities can start ruining the whole mouth. In order to avoid cavities there are some simple steps that can be repeatedly daily. These steps will not take more than 5 minutes a day to complete, so it is crucial to have this routine down. 

Brush the Day Away

The first step to avoiding cavities is something that the dentist will tell their patients every time they come to visit: brush your teeth. Not just once, but twice a day because bacteria can build up on the teeth in just a few hours. It is important to use a toothpaste that contains fluoride as well since this is a very powerful cleaning agent. This will eliminate the bacteria from the visible areas of the teeth and leave it feeling fresh. Then it is important to floss your teeth at least once a day. The crevices between your teeth are just as susceptible to cavities as any other areas and need to be treated the same. Food debris gets stuck in teeth and it may lead to cavities if it is not flossed out. 

Watch What You Eat

The next step is to avoid eating bad foods that deteriorate the linings of the teeth. Avoid sugar filled items as much as possible as the acidic nature will slowly erode at the teeth and make it easier for a cavity to start. Switching to a nutritional diet can not only help out the teeth but also the rest of the body. Also try chewing sugarless gum if you have to chew gum. This will limit the amount of contact the teeth have with sugar. 

The most important part of keeping up with good oral hygiene is to visit an OKC dentist regularly. Visit the dentist every 6 months and they will be able to detect cavities at an early stage and deal with them immediately before they get worse. 
Here at Classen Family Dentistry in Oklahoma City, we make sure our patients are guarded against cavities and have  much information and knowledge about how to avoid them. We want your teeth healthy!
Trust Dr. Kirby with your teeth and keep them shining for years to come. Find Classen Family Dentistry online by going to

Friday, August 2, 2013

Should you purchase dental insurance or not?

When it comes to insurance, it is always a good idea to have it, no matter how often you go in and see the doctor. However, the dentist is different, and is something that you need to consider if it is actually worth opting in for the dental insurance over not having it. There are pros and cons to both, so make sure to look over all areas before you make your final decision.

The pros of having dental insurance are that you don't have to worry about paying the high prices of seeing the dentist. This is especially important if you plan on receiving braces, need a tooth removed, a new crown or other aspects and services that a dentist provides. All of these become incredibly expensive and are areas you should cover with insurance. The insurance is also going to allow you to go see the dentist more often, which is always good, because many individuals put off going to the dentist, leading to further problems with their teeth and mouths. 

On the other side, if you are not able to afford the dentist then you probably don't want to pay for insurance. While seeing the dentist twice a year is important, if you take exceptional care of your teeth and don't have any cavities, it might be less expensive to just see the dentist for the checkup and not pay for insurance. It is something you need to consider as this does add up quickly every single month.

When it comes to purchasing dental insurance, you need to determine what is going to work best for you and your family. If you plan on, or are open to the possibility of different procedures taking place inside the dentist office, you need to figure out what is going to work for you and if you can afford this without insurance. Insurance is going to cover these features and save you money, but only if these services are required. If not, you might just be better off taking exceptionally good care of your teeth and avoiding the needed insurance and seeing the dentist every two years. This basically is a personal decision and one you need to make on your own.
Whether you have dental insurance or not, Classen Family Dentistry will help you maintain good oral health. Dr. Kirby is dedicated to helping his patients achieve the best dental health in Oklahoma City. 
For a trusted dentist in Oklahoma City, select Dr. Kirby for yourself and your family. You can learn more about Dr. Kirby and Classen Family Dentistry at

Friday, July 19, 2013

Should You Brush After Meals?

We all know the importance of brushing our teeth. Brushing and flossing are a way to help keep our teeth and gums clean and healthy. Flossing is also an important step to take in keeping teeth healthy. It is important to brush at least twice a day. Brushing after sugary snacks is important, as you don't want cavities to form. Enjoying a large meal with family or friends? Worried that you won't be able to brush your teeth right away after eating? Don't panic. Did you know there is actually a right time and a wrong time to brush your teeth? Timing can have an impact on the health of your teeth.

Acidic foods and drinks are harmful to your teeth. As a matter of fact, the enamel on your teeth are softened by eating and drinking acidic foods. You're first thought may be to brush your teeth right away after consuming them. Think again. Your chance of increasing erosion increases by brushing too soon after eating or drinking. It's best to wait at least thirty minutes to an hour after eating. This time frame will allow your mouth to produce enough saliva to help neutralize the acid. So you see, waiting to brush can actually help save your teeth,therefore saving you costly visits to the dentist. Brushing too soon after drinking a carbonated drink can noticeably damage your teeth as well. 

Eating fruit can be part of any healthy diet, however fruit that is acidic such has lemons, limes, oranges and grapefruit can also damage teeth if care is not taken. So the next time you're tempted to rush to brush, hold off a while, then brush. You can chew sugarless gum if you like after you brush your teeth, but make sure it contains Xylitol. Xylitol stimulates saliva production, which helps reduce dry mouth and combat bad breath, and it also helps to prevent bacteria producing acid on teeth. 

We all want to have a beautiful smile and that starts with beautiful teeth. Take the time to care for yours now so they will last a lifetime.
For the best smile and best oral health, visit us at Classen Family Dentistry in Oklahoma City. Dr. Tim Kirby is a trusted dentist in OKC and wants to help you maintain the best dental health possible. 
Find him and his great staff online at

Make Flossing A Priority, For Your Sake

Like "eat your vegetables," "no candy before dinner," and "wear your seatbelt," mom's advice to floss after brushing is often ignored when we become adults. However, just like it is with most of mom's advice, it turns out that mom had it right. The importance of flossing cannot be stressed enough. It's something that everyone should be doing.

While people today are more germ-conscious than ever before, they also place unprecedented faith in cleaning products to remove these germs. The urban legend that mouthwash is more effective than flossing at killing the germs in your mouth is simply not true. This misinformation sells mouthwash, but downplays an important step in oral hygiene.

Mouthwash does not clean the deep crevices between your teeth nearly as effectively as flossing does. Have you ever gotten a big chunk of food wedged between two teeth? Odds are, you reached for a toothpick or a piece of floss to remove it. You probably did not swish a mouthful of liquid around in your mouth to try to get it out. That's because the swishing method would not work nearly as well as the dental floss at removing the food that is stuck between your teeth. If floss is more effective than mouthwash at removing the stuff you can see, guess which one works better on the stuff you can't see. 

Nothing cleans the spaces between your teeth better than good old-fashioned flossing. Using mouthwash alone to get your teeth clean is about as effective as dipping a greasy pan in hand sanitizer. A good dental hygiene routine combines brushing, flossing, and mouthwash for an effective, well-rounded clean. Flossing allows a bigger portion of your teeth to be exposed to the cleaning power of your toothpaste and mouthwash. So flossing is not only good by itself, it helps brushing do a better job of cleaning your teeth as well. 

If you are already brushing your teeth and using mouthwash daily (I really hope you are), then flossing will only take an extra minute. However, it will make your entire dental routine a lot more effective. A healthy mouth is definitely worth an extra minute a day.
Don't forget to schedule appointments to see a dentist regularly as well. If you're in Oklahoma City, you should consider coming to Classen Family Dentistry and visiting Dr. Tim Kirby. He has become a trusted dentist in OKC and welcomes the entire family.
You can find him and his wonderful staff online at

Friday, July 12, 2013

Struggling with Sensitive Teeth?

Sensitive teeth can be a real problem; especially if you enjoy foods like ice cream, pop, watermelon or a nice chocolate sundae. However, there are certain toothpastes that can reduce tooth sensitivity such as Colgate Sensitive Pro Relief or Sensodyne. Both give effective and temporary relief from hot and cold food and drinks. 
Arm and Hammer Sensitive is another toothpaste that protects your teeth from hot or cold sensitivity. Crest Sensitivity is another toothpaste that helps with sensitive teeth. This sensitive toothpaste is affordable and effective. Of course, having a quality and caring dentist can also help because he or she can examine your teeth and advise you on all kinds of dental needs and concerns and show the best ways to keep your teeth clean and free of decay. 

In addition, there are things you can do to avoid hot and cold sensitivity to your teeth such as not eating certain foods such as oranges, lemons and tomatoes. They are rich in acids—acids that irritate sensitive teeth. Also, lower your intake of coffee and tea. The acid in coffee and tea can also irritate teeth that are sensitive. However, bananas are rich in potassium and can give some relief to sensitive teeth. When using toothpaste, look for toothpaste and rinses that have fluoride in them. Fluoride not only helps prevent decay but also helps with sensitive teeth. 

Use the right tools
It is important to note that using a soft-bristled toothbrush can also help with sensitive teeth. Hard toothbrushes can aggravate gums and that can sometimes lead to pain and receding gums. Most dentists agree that proper brushing can help with sensitive teeth. By brushing in a circular motion, instead of a back and forth motion, you can also lessen the abrasion of your teeth. Rinsing with warm water instead of cool water after brushing your teeth, can also lessen sensitivity of the teeth.

To conclude, there are many methods and means that can help if you have sensitive teeth such as: not eating certain foods such as oranges and tomatoes, using a softer toothbrush, rinsing with warm water instead of cold and talking with your dentist or hygienist about tooth sensitivity.
Sensitive teeth aren't any fun and can be the signals of greater issues. If it seems that your teeth are becoming more sensitive then you might be struggling with a cavity. Don't wait to have this examined. 
If you're in the Oklahoma City area, then Dr. Tim Kirby is a respected dentist. Schedule an appointment today to learn more about your sensitive teeth and how you can find relief. Trust Dr. Kirby as your dentist in Oklahoma City -

Don't Neglect the Floss

Everyone is in such a hurry these days. It seems as if there are just not enough hours in the day to get everything done that must be done. However, many dentists and dental hygienists are very concerned about the health of children and adults, as well. In their hurry to get everything done, they oftentimes forget to do one very important thing right before they brush. Too many times they forget to floss!

Many people ask why they should floss. They simply do not see the importance of doing something so small. Many say that they brush their teeth so well that they do not need to floss. Many more simply forget. But it is important! It is not simply a matter of vanity in order to have a more perfect smile. In fact, flossing can be the difference between life and death. 

When a person eats, bits of food can become stuck between the teeth. If not removed, these bits turn into plaque. Recent studies have shown a strong correlation between people who have gum disease who also have heart attacks. For this reason alone, it is extremely important to floss regularly. In addition, those who do not floss are more likely to have periodontal disease, which must be treated by a dentist. Recent studies have also shown a strong correlation between pregnant women with periodontal disease and premature births. Also, if the plaque is allowed to sit long enough, it can turn into tarter. At this point, the person must go see his dentist to have it removed.

Flossing may seem trivial but it is one of the most important things a person can do, not only for his teeth, but for his whole body, as well. It may seem like a difficult thing to remember to do every day, but it needs to become a habit. If a person has gone to bed and then remembered that he did not floss, he should immediately get up and floss his teeth. This act will serve as a reminder for him to floss the next day. So make flossing part of the everyday routine. It is a small thing that has a big impact!

Part of maintaining your overall health is taking care of your dental health. Flossing is a major part of your dental health. If you do struggle with dental health in the Oklahoma City area, then make time to visit Dr. Tim Kirby at Classen Family Dentistry

Dr. Kirby is a trusted dentist in Oklahoma City, so don't hesitate to schedule an appointment if you really need help -

Monday, July 8, 2013

Take Care of that Toothache

When you are stricken with a toothache you might be shocked at the severity of the pain you can experience. The pain can begin in the mouth and may spread into the jaw and also your face. Because your mouth is a highly sensitive area, you will most likely experience a lot of pain before figuring out how to get rid of the toothache.

Use OTC or over-the-counter medication for pain. The first technique to gain relief should include purchasing ibuprofen or maybe acetaminophen. It is recommended that you take it every 4 to 6 hours. 

Be careful what you eat. Any foods that are hot or cold will most likely cause the pain to worsen. Avoid eating these type of foods to avoid the pain.

Make use of an herbal remedy. A lot of people who suffer from toothaches have found that clove oil is a really effective pain reliever for toothaches. 

Try numbing the area. If you have a toothache that is centralized to only one area of your mouth, put a tiny amount of Orajel in that direct area. Orajel can also be purchased over the counter. 

Try placing a cold pack next to where you feel pain. A lot of people use this method to reduce swelling during toothaches. Swelling actually worsens the pain during a toothache. Using a cold pack will help the swelling go down and possibly reduce or could even relieve the pain altogether.

Use a warm water and salt rinse. This is a home remedy that has been used for many, many years. Depending on how bad the tooth or the pain is, using this remedy could help. It is often used to get rid of the tenderness around the affected tooth and can also help to relieve swelling. It is also known to make the gum around the tooth course and is only a temporary method to relieve pain. 

Make an appointment with Classen Family Dentistry in Oklahoma City. It may be necessary to go through a dental procedure to relieve pain. It's possible that you could need your tooth extracted, filling or a root canal. Dr. Tim Kirby will locate the cause of your pain and treat any underlying problems.

We are your trusted dentist in OKC:

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Emergency Dental Care in Oklahoma City

Many things can you done in order to prevent damage, injury or further injury to a tooth. A very useful way to prevent injury from occurring to a tooth, or any features of the mouth would be to wear protection a mask or mouth guard while actively performing in sports that have a high risk for injuries. Chewing any hard substances such as candy, ice, or even popcorn kernel can all crack a tooth. Also, try using scissors to cut tape instead of your teeth.

When an injury does happen, knowing where to go for emergency dental care means all the difference when losing a tooth and saving them.

Tim Kirby of Classen Family Dentistry will take time out of his day to tend to emergency patients. Call Time and his staff and give all the information that you can about your situation. Naturally, pain is the body’s way of telling your brain that something is most definitely wrong and cannot be solved by ignoring it. Other alternative’s when you have little to no dental insurance is to ask a dentist whether or not the practice has any convenience besides monthly payments. Credit options will be available after submitting an application, then you can get the emergency care you need.

In the case you have broken your tooth, you should immediately wash your mouth out with water, this will clean the area where your tooth once was. Use a cold object such as a ice to reduce the swelling. Afterwards contact a dentist.

If you have a knocked out tooth that is dirty, wash of the root of the tooth by holding it by the crown while rinsing it with clean water. As gently as possible, insert the tooth back into the socket it came out of. If you can’t do that, place the tooth a cup full of milk then rush to a dentist as fast as you can. As panicked as you might be, do not forget the tooth, take it with you. 

For toothaches, simply rinse your mouth out with water. Then floss to make sure there is nothing caught in between your teeth. Did not put any painkillers on tooth or gums. If the pain continues, you should contact a dentist.

Contact Classen Family Dentistry for emergency dental care in Oklahoma City

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Take A Tip For Your Teeth

Someone in our family has yelled at us to brush our teeth at some point in life. Whether it was a mom, dad or grandparent, we’ve been instructed to brush our teeth daily. For most, it’s routine in the morning and evening, and for others who are more obsessed, it occurs after each meal (which isn’t a bad habit). However, just having the routine of brushing twice a day isn’t enough to know for good, oral health. You need to know more.

Let’s cover several tips about brushing and flossing so you can increase your oral health, avoid those horrid cavities and maintain overall health. Here they are:
  • When you brush in the morning and evening, don’t rush the process. I typically fly through my brushing routine so I can either get out the door or get into bed, but I’ve been told this isn’t good for my gums or teeth. Slow down, be gentle and pay attention.
  • Check your toothbrush. Is it worn out? How long have you been using it? Go ahead and toss that toothbrush out if you can’t remember when you last replaced it. Always have a good toothbrush handy.
  • It’s all about technique, which goes back to the issue of time—if you are moving too fast then you won’t have good technique. Brush at an angle and don’t brush too hard. If you do, you’ll irritate your gums and you don’t want to do that.
  • When you finish brushing, place your toothbrush in a clean area without cover. Covering your toothbrush can lead to a buildup of bacteria and make you sick over time. No one wants to be sick, so just leave that toothbrush in the open to dry.
  • Hate to floss? I do, but it’s extremely necessary. I used to get cavities all the time and had to have them filled every time I visited the dentist. Then I started flossing and I don’t have cavities. It works.
  • Make flossing easier by picking up some flossing picks at a local store. Flossing picks (or whatever they are named) are incredibly easy to use and don’t require long strands of floss wrapped around your fingers to floss. Find them and buy them. They will encourage you to floss because they’re so easy to use.

So, do you understand what you need to do? I hope so. Then go forth, take these tips and remember to slow down, brush gently, and floss as much as possible. Keeping your oral health in good shape will keep your overall health where it needs to be. Your health is all connected, so don’t let one portion be neglected. And if you need more advice and help, contact a dentist